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Friday, 6 July 2012

Now Trending

Howdy from blistering hot Texas!

Trending today - and everyone I have talked to on the phone today, back East, is talking about the weather.  By back East, I mean the Eastern United States.  We here in Texas are used to baking and roasting in the Summer months.  Those back East, well, this is atypical weather for them and just as Texas is not prepared for the frigid mind-boggling winters they endure, they are not prepared for these kinds of temperatures - well over 100f  (38c).  Many in that part of the country do not have chilled air - refrigerated air - air conditioning.  Thus, it is a miserable and dangerous situation with no relief in sight.

I remember growing up in the 1960's and 1970's, a motel having refrigerated air was a huge selling point and when on family vacations, we always did our best to stay only at those places that had the new fangled refrigerated aircon. 

On the Synchro front, things are always hot!  Hey, we deal with the liquid metal industry - so it's supposed to be hot!  Sales are hot, support is hot, - things are good.

I remember working back at Texas Foundries, even though I was in the computer department, I'd spend a lot of time down in the bowels of the foundry sweating it out in 120f-140f (48c-60c) degree temps.  One summer I was installing an Intermec wireless RF system and on top of the Laempe's it was about 150f (65c).  Of course, anything near the holding furnaces or the melt deck was hot hot hot.  I was always mesmerized by the flowing of molten iron out of the furnaces into the huge multi-ton overhead transfer ladles, then being transferred to the holding furnaces and then re-transferred to individual pouring ladles.

Stay cool.

Until next time, see you on down the road.

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations


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