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Monday, 30 July 2012

Competition is Good

Howdy from Shane in blazing hot Texas,

Next life time I'll come back and get my PhD in Economics.  I taught economics at the college level and found it fascinating.   This leads me into "competition" and all the virtues of it.  Everyone knows, or should know, that competition is a good thing.  Competition keeps things evolving and moving things forward and fosters innovation.  I sometimes wonder if "Ma Bell" - the telephone company of the USA, wasn't broken up and deregulated if we would have the internet, wireless communications and mobile phones.  I remember growing up that there was one and only once choice with regards to telephone service and that was with the American Bell Telephone Company - The Bell System.  There was no competition.  Phones were not purchased, they were leased.  One could not go to the store and purchase a phone and just plug it into the outlet.  Telephone services and long distance calls were very expensive and many people had "party lines".  Come to think about it, "party lines" or shared phone lines between residences would be like today's social media sites in some respects.   I remember having to call the grand parents after 9pm or 11pm at night to get the least expensive rates.  One had to get a hold of the operator for just about anything.   If one wanted touch-tone-dialing, it was very expensive compared to the old rotery dial system.

Since the breakup of "Ma Bell", competition has proven to be a very good thing.  Consumers and businesses have a variety of communications choices and the competition has spurred innovation.

With competition in mind, I present you an article that appeared in the July issue of Foundry Management and Technology Magazine.

Things are going very well at Synchro and the team is hard at work.   Team Synchro inked another deal on Friday and more are on the way.

Until next time, see you on down the road.

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations

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