Howdy from Texas where Summer is upon us,
I'm just back from a little R&R camping at a nearby lake, nearby by Texas standards at least, only 3.5 hour drive away! Funny thing is, I neglected to take a single picture. I was just pulling out of the camping spot and realized that I had never taken the camera out of the truck. So unlike me. I guess it was because we had such a great time. We had a nice secluded campsite and all of the campers nearby were well behaved. Sometimes in state parks you have to deal with campers that want YOU to listen to THEIR TYPE of MUSIC. Weather was good, kinda warm on Sunday, ok, it was HOT.
As this was the Memorial Day weekend, the park was pretty crowded and the LE's, Law Enforcement, were out in full force making sure that peace and harmony prevailed. They were writing up tickets left and right on the boat ramp for no horns, too many people on the boat, not enough life jackets, etc. Of course, they generally waited to do an inspection until the boaters were pulling out of the water, hoping to catch some BWI's - Boating While Intoxicated. We didn't have a boat, so we did a lot of mountain bike riding on the various trails and also taking lazy afternoon naps in the cool air conditioning of the camper. The food was just great as well.
Anyway, Planning for the Future, be sure to check out the current issue of the new digital only magazine from the fine folks at Modern Casting. Pages 71-72 has a great article on Synchro ERP.
Until next time, see you on down the road...
Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations
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