Just thought I'd point you in the direction of a fascinating article I just read in Modern Casting on Single Crystal Castings. Next time you park yourself on that over booked, surcharged to the hilt airplane seat, glance out the window at the engine turbines and think about Single Crystal Castings. Talk about a safety critical component!
I'm also in the midst of reading three books which I will give a review of at a later time. Dirty Little Secrets and Buying Facilitation and Area 51 'Uncensored'
I'm a Cold War Nuclear buff and have done a lot of reading and research on the NSA- "No Such Agency" - "National Security Agency", the CIA, the DOD. I've poked around Los Alamos and the LANL, journeyed out in the deseret to the actual AREA51 three times, been to what was NORAD in Colorado Springs, and the high point has always been an in-depth tour of what was NTS - the Nevada Test Site and once the Atomic Proving Grounds - now known as the National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site. I actually got to stand on the rim of Sedan Crater - which is also about as close as you can legally get to Area 51 through the back door.
Until next time, see you on down the road.
CATEGORY: CraterDESCRIPTION: Sedan Crater was formed when a 100 kt. Explosive buried under 635 feet of desert alluvium was fired at the NTS on July 6, 1962, displacing 12 million tons of earth. The crater is 320 feet deep and 1,280 feet in diameter.DATE:
NUMBER: NF-12187CREDIT: Photo courtesy of National Nuclear Security Administration / Nevada Site OfficeFULL SIZE:
Shane Allen / Synchro ERP Head of North American Operations
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