Texas, like many parts of the country, is mired in the depths of a massive heat wave with no relief on the horizon. Come on over Simon, I just know how you savor the heat! If you thought it was hot last week while in Texas, you ain't seen nothing yet...
By the way, this 91 degrees Fahrenheit is at 9pm - 21:00 hours!
Speaking of insanity, I continue to run across metalcasters that are mired in the last century and still "do it" with pen and paper or green screens. I can not fathom running a metalcasting operation with pen and paper and by the seat of the pants when there is such an affordable, user friendly, software suite called Synchro32. Synchro32 is dedicated ONLY to the metalcasting industry. Synchro32 knows metalcasting. Don't you think it is time to put away the slide rule and the #2 pencil and make your life so much easier and your metalcasting operations more profitable? Give Synchro32 a try - as we have a pilot/trail system available for three months with three users at no cost - other than three days on-site to get you on your way.
Until next time, see you on down the road...
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