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Monday, 31 January 2011

AFS Texas Chapter Meetings

This last Friday the AFS, American Foundry Society,  Texas Chapter had a meeting at the Sam Houston Race Park (ponies).  I got there early enough to attend the board meeting, even though I am not on the board, and also attended the dinner party.

Outstanding time was had by all and the food was outstanding.  Something like eighty people were there - members, spouses, children, etc.  It's a family affair.  There was an outstanding presentation on refractory materials and fire brick.  I learned alot about the process, selections, and usage.  Very imformative.

Next up will be the AFS Texas chapter meeting in Lufkin Texas on  Friday February 25th at Ralph & Kacoo's Seafood restaurant.  See AFS Texas Event Calendar for more details.

Here is a picture of  General Sam Houston, Hero of the Texas Revolution and the Republic of Texas's first President.  This statue was in front of a steak house near the pony track.

And here are a few pictures from the meeting.  Until next time, see you on down the road in Lufkin!

Shane Allen


Tuesday, 18 January 2011

New Years Resolution

The www - the Wild West Web or the "internet" can both be a boom or a bust and can be a frightful place.  There is so much that we do everyday on the WWW from work, financial transactions, emails, etc. that a breach of security could be downright spooky.

Thus, I strongly encourage you to add to your New Years resolution list to review, update, and change all of your security settings and passwords starting at your router and continuing through all of your software applications and internet pages, mobile phones, etc.

I have adopted a three tier level of security for myself based on the importance of what I am protecting from prying eyes.  
Level-1 - Secret - this is "common" webpages that hold little or no personal information regarding myself and certainly no financial information.  Examples of this security would be webpages that require you to logon to read information or leave a comment.  Password lengths for this should be at least eight characters.

Level-2 Top Secret - this would be webpages that contain some sensitive information but no financial information.  Password lengths for this should be at least fifteen characters.  This would include retail sites that store your credit card information.

Level-3 Beyond Top Secret - this is information that is of the highest order of security.  Password lengths would be on the order of 20-30 characters in length.  This would be banking transactions, medical records, etc.  These are websites that under no circumstances do you ever want a breach.   

Ok, so how in the world do you remember a password that is of these huge lengths?  EASY!  Take your favorite song, nursery rhyme, spiritual verse, poem, etc. and use the first letter of each word as part of the password.

Nursery Rhyme Buckingham Palace by AA Milne 
They're changing guard at Buckingham Palace -
Christopher Robin went down with Alice.
Alice is marrying one of the guard.
"A soldier's life is terrible hard,"
Says Alice. 

So, with this example your password would be easy to remember as you recite it as you type it in - TCGABPCRWDWAAIMOOTGASLISHSA 
Now, to make it just a wee bit longer and a lot more difficult for someone to break with a computer program, add some meaningful numbers and special characters to it. 

Be sure that your routers are NOT set to the default password.  Change it to a Level-3 security level.  Make sure that you have passwords on your mobile phones - at the SIM and bootup level.  The more security you have the better.

On your banking and financial institutions security, the ones that I am familiar with allow you to have extra security and this can  be applied to your home/office computer - something along the lines of security used if you should be using a "public computer".  I have as many security questions invoked as they will allow and I even have to answer the questions regardless of where I am located - home/office/public.  I never want anyone to have the unauthorized ability to get into any financial systems of mine.  Paranoid - darn right - and there is a good reason for it and you should be paranoid too.

One other resolution for you - how often do you backup all of your data on your home computers?  When I was at Texas Foundries Citation Lufkin we had fire drills on a regular basis.  We also had two large bank vaults on the premises for storing files and computer data.   After one fire drill I called a meeting with all of the front office and pointed out that "everything was lost" and that we were starting over.  Everything on their desk was gone and everything on the backup computer disks got "burned up" in the fire.  I made my point.  During a fire drill, the safes and vaults needed to be closed on the way out.  We also started off-site DRA - Disaster Recovery Area at that time by taking disks, tapes, and drives of backed up data off-site.

I personally use one of the new internet services that automagically backs up my data everynight to some remote server.  The cost is relatively inexpensive and the peace of mind is outstanding.  All of the pictures that I have scanned in plus the Brazillians of digital images and all of my financial and tax records are safely stored.  If I lost all of this stuff, I would just sit down and cry.

So, take heart and take action on these important New Years resolutions...

Until next time, see you on down the road...


Thursday, 13 January 2011

Pack Your Traveling Bags...

It's that time of year again, the 2011 Synchro32 Road Show Schedule is now available.  This of course is subject to change as we are constantly taking under advisement other expos and meetings throughout the year.

Does your AFS Chapter need a speaker for a meeting?  Simon Adlington and myself did a presentation this time last year for the Birmingham AFS Chapter on scheduling.  Contact me to disscuss @ Synchro32 Global Contact Information

Until next time, see you on down the road...

Tuesday, 11 January 2011

This is No Dog and Pony Show

I cut my teeth in the foundry industry at the now defunct and bulldozed Citation Lufkin Texas Foundries.  During my twelve years spent there, there was one classic memo that was sent out to all salary employees.  At the time, the foundry was struggling to obtain quality certifications and there were a number of employees doing everything possible to prevent it from happening or doing a poor job of making it happen.  As Texas Foundries, TF, was heavily invested in the automotive industry, obtaining the certification was paramount to keeping the automotive work.  BTW - Alan Adams was the General Manager / VP at the time - the "big dog" over the iron and steel foundries, paint shop, machine shop, and trucking line.

I was talking to a friend of mine from the TF days and the subject of this came up - the smoking gun letter of the "Dog and Pony Show" .  Anytime either one of us encounters someone that doesn't want to do their job or what they are supposed to be doing - this memo comes up.  Talk about a well worded strong management letter that got the point clearly across.  This should be in management text books everywhere of how to motivate people to do critical jobs.  Let me tell you what, at the end of the day TF passed the quality audits as from the date of the memo forward, everyone pulled together and made it happen.  There were no excuses.

At Synchro32, we are all a dedicated hard-working team of individuals spread across the globe.  As I type this, Richy is in Malaysia and Simon is getting ready for his first trip of 2011 back to North America.  The Synchro32 "road show" is hot on the road.  At Synchro32, there is not a "dog and pony" show as everyone knows what they need to do and are supposed to do.

Until next time, see you on down the road.


Thursday, 6 January 2011

Well done far '10 has been the an excellent year. The best we have ever had.

Yep...we have done a count of newly installed customers and the total was unbelievable. This is all about team work and the commitment and passion we all share for this amazing industry. We love it...we care for our users, we support them, we talk to them, we lsiten..and laugh and hug them when they have hard times. In return we have loyaty and their success...what more could we want.

Well, we aim for the top. Nothing but the best is good enough.

Barbara (Synchro)

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The Biggest Loser

I want to wish my cousins ex husband and his brother all the best on the TV show "The Biggest Loser".

They are really both great guys and my cousin and her ex are still friends.  Someone in the family had mentioned lately that they were going to be on a reality show, but I never got any details.  I personally don't watch much live TV as TIVO does a bang-up job of recording things for me.  I was just by chance flipping channels last night and happened to see both of them on there.  They did really good the first night losing quite a bit of weight the first week and placing 2nd.

Great job guys, keep it up.

Of course, with the Synchro32 software for metalcasters, you are always a winner!

Until next time, see you on down the road.  (and I got the 3rd post in for the year!)  Mine, all mine...


Monday, 3 January 2011

A Fresh Start...

Ok, Lee might have gotten in the first post of 2011, but I on the other hand got in the all important final post of 2010!  The first shall be the last and the last shall be the first!

Anyway, I rang in the New Year with friends out camping in the woods amongst the pine trees.  We feasted on fajitas and gumbo with all the trimmings at Ratcliff Lake recreation area nestled amongst the Piney Woods of East Texas.

Doc Holliday in the Starcraft 11RT "Home Away From Home" Pop-Up Camper AKA R2D2 complete with toidy and shower and heat and AC!  

Refried beans and rice for fajitas.

Seafood gumbo
nothing like a hot fire on a warm Texas night...

all electric kitchen of the R2D2 pop-up camper

I finally got my holiday lights up at the house a couple of weeks before Christmas and alas I will be taking them down this afternoon.

Of course my buddy Doc Holliday had a great Christmas.  Santa brought him a new collar and some new bones.

All is well here in Texas, it's nice and sunny today at 60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15.6 Celsius.    I was in short pants and a short sleeve T-shirt on New Years Eve.

Things are already cracking along for Synchro32 and the team is hard at work.  Last year was a banner year, even with the global economic downturn.  Metalcasters around the world understand and realize how important it is to have metalcasting specific software to streamline and manage their operations.

Until next time, I'll see you on down the road...

2011 is here

Welcome one and all to the first Blog entry of 2011.... and its MINE..ALL MINE...

sorry, got a little carried away there...

Every team member here at Synchro hopes that you have all had a peaceful Christmas, and we're all looking forward to a great year here at Synchro towers (I have even promised to buy some shiny new chains for the support Trolls)

As we strive to bring you the very best in software & support, I'll take this opportunity to wish everyone a prosperous New Year.

I'll post again soon, with more news from the support realm, so remember to come back to catch up.

