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Thursday, 13 February 2014

Now That is Team Work...

Hiya again from Texas,

Shane here, just a quick tidbit that I ran across which made me think about teamwork at it's finest.  I've never really liked the "notion" of there is no "I" in teamwork, but this little video sure drives home the point of what teamwork is all about.  Someone sent me this last night and I must have been an hour studying this.  This is leadership and management and workers all moving in a single direction towards a single goal.  

At Synchro ERP, we are all over teamwork and while our team team might not change your tires, we will certainly join your winning team in assisting your metalcasting operations!

Now, you need to watch the video at least 24 times to get the full effect, starting at 33 seconds.  This is poetry in motion - or ballet.  This took hundreds of hours of practice to accomplish and a lot of WD40.  By my count, 24 people were in full harmony to get the F1 in and out in under 4 seconds.  Be sure to watch what each individual person is doing in the lead up to the F1 pulling in.  Must be a really tense time for them.  Totally focused.

Reminds me in many ways of the Apollo Space Program.  Hundreds of thousands of people worked as a team to put three men on the moon and a grand total of 12 on the lunar surface.


Until next time,  see you on down the road.

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Synchro ERP has an APP for That!

Howdy from Texas,

Shane Allen here and the weather is wonderful, compared to the Eastern and Southern Parts of the USA.  Looking out the window where it is currently 49f with a beautiful blue sky!

Very exciting news coming forth with.  It's not been a secret or anything, but I was asked by our Head of Social Media Victoria Smith to introduce you to APPS for IPADS and Android Tablets.  We actually rolled this out for BETA testing during the Investment Casting Institute Expo and the NFFS meeting.  Just in time for the upcoming Metalcasting Congress, Phase II will be introduced from the booth.

We all know and are aware that the world has and is rapidly accelerating around us with tablets and IPADS taking over the functions of desktops and especially laptops.  Well, very soon you will be able to view and record an abundance of information from the shop floor directly into the Synchro ERPdatabases.    This is an evolving project and Phase I will allow your metalcasting facility to record WIP, SCRAP, and time bookings.  Phase II will expand on that with additional functionality with Key-Performance- Indicators, KPI, and the ability to track UID's as well as receive material in for the purchasing function.  One of the neat features of the APP will be the ability to scan in information using the tablet's camera from QRCODES and barcodes.  

As per SOP, Standard Operating Procedure, the APP will be rolled out to the Synchro ERP customer base at no additional charge.   The APP, like the SFDC-Shop Floor Data Collection module, will utilize 1/3 of a license. 

I recently submitted an article to the Foundry Trade Journal and as soon as it is published, I will provide a link to it.

Below are a few "teaser" shots of the APP...

Until next time, see you on down the road...

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations.

Blasting into 2014 !!

Team Synchro are blasting into 2014 and are pleased to announce 2 new customers this month already.

We also have lots of interesting news to share with you but first i would like to ask you a question ....

Do you know how much Development went into Synchro ERP in 2013? 

Click HERE to find out !!

Team Synchro are sorry we could not attend the 76th Annual Wisconsin Regional Foundry Conference and Exposition and hope all those that did attend had a great time.

Jean-Marie recently attended IFEX 2014 and we are pleased to share with you his write up and some pictures ...

IFEX 2104 saw the participation of Synchro ERP with its agent and the moment the doors opened the activity on the booth never stopped with many potential customers from all over India inquiring about the software and its many benefits. It truly was a great opportunity to meet all kind of potential customers. Foundries in general in India are exporters with greater needs for good quality controls as well as modern technologies to help them understand their costs. Indeed many such customers are told by their customers that they need to obtain ERP software. Many foundries in India also have a very young manager team and these responsible people clearly understand the benefits of such software. So a lot of demonstrations were not about why ERP software but what about the Casting Specific Solution Synchro ERP can offer.

Overall not only was the software very well received and introduced but also everyone enjoyed the conference and found it a valuable source of information as ever. The guys in charge did a fine job organizing this event so a big thanks to them.


Over on our ever growing FaceBook page we are running a small competition to give away a free Synchro ERP USB Memory Stick when we reach 250 likes so remember to keep sharing and asking your friends to like our PAGE 

We also have a Blast from the past picture on there - Can you guess which Synchro Team member this is? ?

Pop over to the page and tell us who you think it is ...

That's all for now folks but we will be back soon with more Synchro ERP updates.