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Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Getting To Know You - Bianca Catherall

The end of the month is here again which means its time to get to know another Team member ...

Marketing Project Manager

Bianca Catherall

Name; Bianca Catherall                            Job Title; Marketing Project Manager

How long have you worked for Synchro ERP? 3 years 10 months

Whats the best part of your job? I enjoy all aspects of my job

Describe yourself in 3 words; Fun,Bossy,loving

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Croissant and cereal

What is your favourite food? Thai

What do you dislike most? Cold,wet and windy weather

Who is the most precious person to you? The men in my life

Who is your famous idol? none

What is your favourite book? Mr Grey

What is your favourite film? The beach

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?

Vietnam –  people, Culture, food, Scenery and weather 

The World is Littered...

Hello again from Texas,

I just got back from the local cable company, that until relatively recently, had a pretty much monopoly on television shows.  There is of course has been satellite options for a number of years, but for most folks the cable was the way to go.  With the advent of the internet and increasing bandwidth speeds, I grew up with 300baud modems on a C64 and was stupifed when 1200baud modems became available, more and more people are turning to the internet to stream and download movies and TV shows.

I'm an "annualized" kind of guy.  I look at the big picture of how much something is going to cost me on a yearly basis.  My cable bill had been growing by leaps and bounds.  The cable company had no problem raising the rates by as much as $30/month.  The problem I have with cable is that there are probably only twenty channels I'm really interested in, out of about 300 or more.  Why should I be paying for "stuff" I don't watch and careless about?  So, I went to the cable company and just slashed my cable bill by about $840/year.  I may "miss" some of the channels, but I'll live w/o them.  This is just step 1.  The next step will be to decrease it even further and go to the basic of basics.  I'm a TIVO kinda guy as well.  I rarely watch "LIVE TV", relying on TIVO to find and record the shows that I want.  I've got about a TB of shows stored up right now.  Overall, I rarely watch TV at all.  Gave my really fancy huge flat screen to my mom not long ago, I just didn't watch it.  It was in the living room and I am rarely in the living room, opting to watch TV in the guest bedroom.  She loves it as TV is her evening entertainment.  

Why cable companies don't offer "ala carte" channel selection is beyond me.  Pick the channels you want and we will bill you only for those.  Of course, the reason is that they can do profit maximization by charging for all of the channels as there will be some that "must have this channel" and the cable companies are smart enough to know that.   Plus, they would probably have to get rid of a lot of channels that are not "self supporting".  I noticed that SIRIUS/XM satellite radio has recently introduced "ala carte" options and the next time I renew, I will go that route as there are only about 8-10 channels that I listen to.

The world is littered with companies that do not adjust to changing market conditions and demographics.  I saw yesterday that several "teen" clothing companies like AF are in the dumps, they haven't adopted to changes.  Some leading Australian clothing manufacture has a zero market capitalization.   Video rental stores didn't adapt to changing marketing conditions and Blockbuster and others are pretty much gone.  People still rent videos, but do it from REDBOX.  REDBOX can do movie rentals much cheaper than big box outlets.  By the time Blockbuster woke up, it was too late.  Blockbuster attempted to get into the video on the corner concept out of a vending machine, but by then, it was tooooo late as REDBOX had the corner on the market.

So, the cable companies of the world had better start adapting to changing marketing conditions...

Until next time, see you on down the road...

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations...

Monday, 26 August 2013

Where Has August Gone?

My goodness, I woke up this morning and realized that August 2013 is almost gone!  Where has the summer gone to?  Of course, here in Texas we have another two months of horrid heat.  Fortunately, I have a new chilled air unit at the house, TRANE's do eventually quit running and after twenty-two loyal years, my TRANE died.

August is also a new beginning for me as I am doing my very best to adjust.  I woke up a while back with "fuzzy eyes" and went to see the eye Dr.  She said, "Mr. Allen, I've been telling you for years that you need glasses and you keep resisting.  Happy birthday, you are now fifty and you really need to think about getting glasses".  So, I got glasses.

I opted for the sophisticated "John Lennon" type of look I've been told.  I really like to think of it as the "professor" look.  The scholarly look.  They even have the hooks on the ends to keep them in place.  Slipping glasses drive me nuts.   Of course, I have been resisting wearing them, but woke up to fuzzy eyes again this morning...  They do really help.  It's just getting adjusted to them - the no line progressive.  

All is well in the land of Synchro ERP.  I was OOO last week signing up another Synchro ERP customer on the East Coast.  This new customer is really going to get a shot in the arm from the Synchro software.  This is going to be fun.  I took a long tour and visited with a number of people at their facility and they are all eager for it.  It's going to make their life so much easier.  The implementation and development and support and marketing teams are all hard at work.  Daniel will get another taste of international travel soon with a jaunt into South Africa for new customers.  The global reach of Synchro ERP is ever expanding.

Well, here's to you.  Hope all is well with you and as usual,

until next time, see you on down the road.

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations...

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

I hope I am finding you all well on this August morning - August already! 

The year is flying by and with only 133 days till Christmas I think I will start shopping now !!!

It has been another busy few weeks here in the Synchro hub and I have lots of news for you all

Firstly I will answer the trivia question from the last Blog for you ...

Humans start doing this at age two ?

Answer; Telling Lies!

We are busy preparing for our next Exhibition which is in October - Will you be attending? 

ICI 2013 - 5th - 8th October 2013

Wyndham Grand Downtown, Pittsburgh PA
Booth # 65

We are delighted to welcome to new customers one in the UK and one in the USA.

We have had two implementation team members over in Dubai at Emirates Techno Casting progressing there implementation - As part of the large Tyco Valve group, we are proud to be chosen as their ERP partner.

We have two team members moving house at the moment - There must be something in the water !!

A potential South African company has visited one of our customers, The visit went exceptionally well as we expected - We work extremely hard to provide excellent customer service and support here and we are never concerned when needing to give references.

Jean - Marie is in India with our latest Indian Agent preparing for a big marketing campaign. The benefits of Specific Cast Metal ERP is un-quantifiable in terms of competitive benefit - Non of the generic ERP Softwear systems can match our excellence. 

We would like to thank all of you who have sent in Photo's for our competition so far - Voting commences in 6 days so please don't miss out and send us yours today ..

We will be thinking of Brenda Cunningham of T&L foundry this week as she has an operation.

And we are also wishing Steve Rowlands of Coupe Foundry a happy retirement from all of us.

I will leave you now with another Trivia question and if you like them why not 'like' our Facebook page and take part in the Daily Brainteasers?   Click Here

Around the world each year 950,000 people go to the hospital after tripping over what?

Have a great week from all at Synchro ERP.