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Thursday, 31 January 2013

Busy Busy Week ...

Hello All 

Well it has been a busy week over here in Germany !! 

Firstly I am pleased to announce the snow has gone and we can see green again!

This week we have had Daniel Alcantara staying and training with us and we have enjoyed introducing him to few new things, He was amazed by the Snow when he landed last week as he had never seen it before.
We have also discovered he likes milk in his Tea and Marmite, although he finds it slightly bizarre that we have it for breakfast!! 

I would like to use my BLOG this week to properly introduce him so i asked him to write a short introduction about himself ...

I graduated in Business in 2001.

I then started working as a Graphic Designer and went on to manage an English school. I was then invited to be an ERP consultant in 2003, working for 3 years for Senior Systems, where I worked in in Finance, Sales, Bought, Stock, Accountancy and Production. I worked in various sectors, mining, steel mill and foundries. I opened my own company in 2006 and since then have worked with Project Management and technical consulting related to deployment revitalization of ERP software.

I had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Chris Collins in 2008 when managing a big project for 4 software packages and one a link between Synchro32 (Today Synchro ERP) and Sapiens then a major financial software accounting system in Brazil. I graduated in Law in 2010 and in Project Management in 2011.  After a long time working in various cities I received an e-mail from Chris Collins inviting me to join the Synchro ERP Team. 

I also asked Daniel to tell us about his training ...

My Initial training sessions consisted of a week in Nacogdoches – Houston, USA, at the company offices with the head of US operations, Shane Allen, and his faithful squire Wyatt Earp (his biggest fan a miniature Min Pin) learning about the sales process, quotations and technical support. 

I then flew onto our German office to spend the second week with Lee Mahon and Victoria Smith and of course their beautiful, beautiful daughter Leah. Where I had the opportunity to see first hand the support department working with the CRM system Synchro designed for their own internal use.

I really improved my Synchro ERP knowledge and learnt important aspects of the work, culture, communication techniques and of course the language itself, a challenge for this year.  

I am Brazilian and a native Portuguese speaker.

Last but not least, I must talk about the treatment received by all. I felt completely at home, sharing meals, watching TV, playing with Wyatt Earp and having great guitar lessons from the cute guitar maestro Leah. 

So, Shane, Lee and Victoria, thank you very much, I started in Synchro with an understanding of this great team of people now I can see… I’m in a family.

Daniel Alcântara

Leah absolutely loves Daniel and has really enjoyed having him around.

We reached 60 'LIKES' on Facebook this week which was wonderful and as promised we gave away two free USB sticks  displayed in fantastic presentation tins - The lucky winners were Brenda Cunningham and Andressa Nogueria your prizes will be sent next week.

Thank you all for your continued support and for Sharing the page. The next giveaway will be when we reach 100 'LIKES' and its going to be BIG!!

Have a great week.


Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Lots of Good Stuff...

Howdy doody from the Lone Star State,

Lots of good stuff to report, Daniel, the newest member of the global Synchro ERP team joined up with me last week for some intensive training at the office.  We focused a lot on sales and he got to see several demonstrations.

We traveled over to Houston for several plant tours and sales calls.  Just by chance, the AFS Texas Chapter was meeting and we attended all of the events.  I think the highlight of the event was the Texas Troubleshooters meeting on sand.  This isn't your ordinary beach sand mind you.  The "green sand" that is used in metalcasting was the topic of discussion.  Thinking about sand from a metalcasting standpoint, if you have sand problems to start with, then the resulting castings are going to have a variety of defects.  Almost all casting defects can be traced back to sand and water.

So, why do metalcasters call it "green sand" when it is really black?  It's because sand is such a "green - ecologically friendly product.  Well, actually, no.  Sand was used long long before anyone was concerned about recycling and being ecologically friendly.  Green sand is called what it is due to the water content of the sand - not that the sand is green in color, but that it is like "green wood".    

Why sand?  Why is sand used in the metalcasting process?  It's because the ancient Egyptians who came up with the whole metalcasting congress only had sand to work with...  Well, not really, but it sounds good.  Actually, sand is used because it has refractory properties - it doesn't melt at low temperatures and is a great insulator.

We learned a lot about the bentonite.   Bentonite and I have a long history together.  Many years ago, during my undergrad years, I spent my summers working on seismic field crews.  Working in Wyoming in the Waukesha and Big Horn basinsup around Worland and Ten Sleep (ten sleeps from  Ft. Laramie WY), I spent time traversing massive mountains and valleys of bentonite on the survey and jug-line teams.  Hot summer sun on top of gray-black western bentonite. 

When I worked at Texas Foundries, I hung out a lot in the sand and metalurgical laboraties and learned a lot about sand, clays, and metal.  Watching the Methylene Blue test and working with the fines was always interesting.

Here are a few pictures of Houston event... 

and until next time, see you on down the road.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Getting to know you ...

I thought it would be nice for you all to get to know Team Synchro a little more personally so I created a questionnaire for all the Team to complete.

I will be publishing one a month and here is the first one for you. ..


Name;  Simon Adlington      Job Title; Implementation Manager

How long have you worked for Synchro ERP? 12 Years

What is the best part of your job? Meeting new people and finding new ways to help with their problems

Describe yourself in 3 words; Short, Dogged & Inquisitive

What did you have for breakfast this morning? Cinnamon Roll & Yogurt

What is your favorite food? Indian

What do you dislike most? Politics

Who is the most precious person to you? My Wife

Who is your famous idol? I don’t have a famous idol, my idol is my father

What is your favorite book? Star Wars

What is your favorite film? Star Wars

If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
I would stay at home where my heart is(my family).

Simon does a fantastic job for Synchro ERP and is a very respected and knowledgeable member of our team, I hope you enjoyed getting to know him a little better.

Is it me or is January the longest month in the year?!!

I have decided that January is the longest month of the year - It feels like it is twice as long as every other month!!
Maybe it is because I had a break from work over Xmas or it could be because its freezing cold and still white everywhere!

Early Monday morning this week I had 3 deer run out in front of my car, I luckily didn't hit them and they began to graze close to the car. 

It was early and the weather wasn't very picture friendly but I took a few photos to share with you all ...

Our Facebook page is growing well and my daily brain teasers seem to be popular. If you haven't already make sure you pop over and 'like' our page!

This week in work I have been researching merchandise for the ...
CastExpo '13 - 6th - 9th April 2013St. Louis, Missouri
Booth  # 1463

This has been really good and we have come up with some brilliant competitions and merchandise to give away so if your attending make sure you come and see what we've got.

In my free time I have been having a go at making Leah some clothes. It was one of my New Years resolutions to get more creative ....

Anyway I must get on lots to do , Hope all of you have a great week ...


(Head of Social Media for Synchro ERP)

Friday, 18 January 2013

Snowy Friday ...

Hello All,

I hope you've had a lovely week ..

I hope you have all enjoyed the Facebook posts this week and the new daily Brainteasers ...

The snow seems to have affected the UK a lot this week.

Over here in Germany we are always well prepared and very efficient - Snow plows are out first thing clearing the roads and we have to have winter tires on our cars by law!

Here's a picture i took early morning on Tuesday.

The Synchro ERP Team have been busy as usual this week training and supporting our valued customers. 

The marketing department have been busy organizing our next big Exhibition - Castexbo '13 from 6th - 9th April 2013 and i have been investigating the potential prizes and competitions we will be running for that event. If your attending make sure you stop at booth # 1463 and see what we have for you ...

What do you think of the new Synchro ERP Advert ....

I really like it. 

Anyhoo I will say TTFN and keep watching out for me on the Synchro ERP facebook page and feel free to join in on my competitions , brainteasers and general daily chit chat.

Have a great weekend.

Victoria (Head of Social Media - Synchro ERP)

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

You are a gentlemen of the first water!

I want to thank the person with the American Foundry Society who told me that "You are a gentlemen of the first water!"  I had never heard that term before, and had to look it up and I like what I found.  It turns out it is an old Western term "Of the first water ~ first class. "He's a gentleman of the first water.".  Made me feel really good.  I'd been called a"gentleman and a scholar", but never of the first water!

Things are busy at Synchro ERP.  I will be attending the upcoming AFS Milwaukee Regional at the end of this month and plans are in over drive for the upcoming CastExpo.  Everyone that I am talking to is planning on being at CastExpo - it should be a huge turn out. You can always track the Synchro team and where we will be at by visiting Synchro ERP Exhibition Schedule

Well, we dodged a winter-storm in these parts of Texas, was supposed to be a really icy mess, but forunately the weather people were very wrong.

Schools were closed, the road people were on-alert,etc.  Fortunately, it was just a little ice on a tree.  Of course, you got to understand that in Texas we haven't a clue as to how to drive or do anything in winter conditions.

Well, it's sunny and 51f here today, until next time, see you on down the road and be sure to check us out on the social media sites! 

Shane Allen
Head of North American Operations   

Friday, 11 January 2013


Hello from Texas!

Rest in Peace Patti Page - You made the world a better place...

The weather has been bizarre as of late.  It's actually been cold here in Texas, and very wet!  We've gone for days and days without any sunshine.  We are used to brutally hot summers, but very mild winters.  Fortunately, no snow or ice storms as of yet but we have had some wicked thunder storms - the ones that scare the bee-geezers out of you.

Did you know that the metalcasting industry is the worlds leader in recycling?  When your truck finally goes to the junk yard or your washing machine gives up the ghost, the chances are that the metal in those ends up in some foundries furnace to emerge as a new product! 

I have a personal shredder for protecting my personal documents as they go into recycling.  I'm also personally big into recycling of paper, cardboard, plastic, etc.  Just seems like the right thing to do.

Anyway, I need to remind you that CastExpo is coming up really quickly and if you have not made arrangements to attend, then now is the time.  Please plan on meeting up with the Synchro team in St. Louis.  Chris, Barbara, Simon, Daniel, and myself will all be manning the booth!   CASTEXPO 2013 ST LOUIS and SYNCHRO ERP 2013 CAST EXPO ST. LOUIS

Until next time, see you on down the road.  I will be attending the AFS Milwaukee Regional in late February.  Please see AFS Wisconsin Regional 2013

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

New Year .... New Faces ...

Hello Everyone !!

Victoria Smith here from the Synchro ERP Marketing department. Some of you have probably already seen my recent posts on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn? 
I certainly hope so anyway because if your seeing and (hopefully) enjoying them then I'm doing my job correctly ;o)

I have been working for Synchro ERP for a few months now and I am really enjoying it. 
I'm certain most of you will already know my partner Lee Mahon from the Support Team and I'm sure Lee has told you all about our daughter Leah .....

Please help me along and come and join me on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn. The links are next to the Blog link on the website!.

I hope you'll find something interesting to read each day, and you can also take part in my competitions and win prizes. 

Hope to see you all on our Social Media sites soon.


Victoria Smith (Head of Social Media for Synchro ERP)

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Out with the Old, In with the New

Howdy from a cold, wet, dark, damp, windy, depressing Texas,

The weather has been vile for so long that I can't remember what the sun even looks or more importantly feels like.  For all it's worth, I might as well be in England or the south pole for that matter.   I'm a warm weather fan anymore, I used to enjoy the cold weather and the ski slopes, before I blew out my kneed and ended my career on the slopes of Steamboat - Vagabond trail.

Fortunately, no sleet or snow, but we have had some wicked storms as of late.

With the new year comes the dreaded taxman.  Working on the IRS taxes is also a perplexing and very time consuming, but important process.  I think last year I must have spent about sixty hours on it and hope to do it in forty hours this year.

I'm getting re-geared up this Saturday afternoon to be back at work on Monday after an extended holiday, that I desperately needed.  Didn't plan it that way, just got to the end of the year and had a lot of vacation time built up.  2012 was a very busy and hectic year.  Of course, for sales once mid-November hits and starting the week of Thanksgiving in the USA,the majority of the companies have turned their attention to the holidays.  So, it is an ideal time for sales to take a respite.

But, there is a lesson in all of this in that Synchro ERP closed out the year with yet another sale on the 31st of December!  So, just because things tend to slow down doesn't mean that everything comes to a screeching halt.

2013 will be another record breaking year for Synchro ERP with many exhibitions, shows, and meetings planned.  I start off in just a short time by going to the Texas Chapter of the AFS meeting in Houston in a few short weeks.  Of course, 2013 will also be  the huge CastExpo event in St. Louis.

In a short time, I will also be working with our newest employee Daniel out of Brazil.  He will be visiting the Texas office first and attending the AFS Texas meeting with me, then on over to work with Lee for a week, then back to Brazil.  After a short rest, Daniel will be meeting up with the implementation crew for a meeting down south of the border in Mexico.

Welcome aboard Daniel!

Well, until next time, see you on down the road.

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations