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Monday, 25 June 2012

You Didn't Start the Presses Did You?

I sure hope you didn't restart the presses as we received another signed quote this afternoon!  Congrats to the newest Synchro ERP customer as well to the entire global Synchro ERP team.

Don't you see, more and more global metalcasters are turning to Synchro ERP to manage their production needs!

Until next time, see you on down the road.

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


Another breaking news from Team Synchro ERP.  Another global metalcaster located south of the border in Ole Mexico signed up this morning!  As I keep saying, more and more global metalcasters are realizing the need for a comprehensive metalcasting specific solution for their facility.

Until next time, See You on Down the Road.

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations

Tuesday, 19 June 2012


STOP THE PRESS:  Synchro ERP, the global leading provider of metalcasting specific software, is pleased to report that yet another global metalcaster has  joined the ranks of Synchro ERP.

Since the 2012 Metalcasting Congress, Synchro ERP has increased the number of customers by  three!

More and more global metalcasters are realizing the need for metalcasting specific software!

Details at 10.

All is Well

Good Tuesday morning from Texas - hot and hotter Texas.  We are a lot wetter than we were this time last year - and the mosquitoes are out in full force in the evening.  We have been having some really good monsoons!

Anyway, just a quick check in to let you know that "All is Well" at Synchro ERP.

"All is Well" has a special meaning to me - it's a code word that I use with people when checking in when backpacking, camping, hiking, canoeing, etc.  Often times areas that I find myself in have iffy at best cell phone communications - a connection might only last a few seconds with a bar or less of signal strength - so my first words are always "All is Well" - that way if the connection is suddenly lost, everyone knows that "All is Well" and there is no need to panic, raise the red flag, go to DEFCON 1,mount a SAR (search and rescue), or request a DUST-OFF (helicopter evacuation required).

Well, until next time see you on down the road...

(Wyatt Earp likes cardboard to rip apart - along with his bunny rabbit he's practicing for the day that some poor hapless squirrel runs through the yard and can't escape)  Nature isn't always beautiful you know...

Monday, 11 June 2012

Already Mid June...

WOW!  Humble apologies for being neglect and deficient in posting an update to the Synchro ERP blog.  If you haven't noticed, time keeps ticking and the hour hand turns into the day hand and the day hand turns into the week hand and then all of a sudden it has been a month since I updated the BLOG.  I promise and swear to hopefully to do better in the future.

Synchro ERP wishes a warm welcome the newest member to the team Linda Becket who will be in the accounts department!  Synchro ERP is ever growing, ever expanding, to meet the demanding needs of global metalcasters.

Things are really cracking along at Synchro ERP.  The most recent Metalcasting Congress was just a resounding success and it continues to be so.  I've got writers cramp from signing so many new contracts and quotes - not that I'm complaining mind you.  On this weeks agenda, I have four demonstrations scheduled that span the globe.

Well, I must really crack on and get ready for a demonstration for a sales lead in Mexico in 45 minutes time.   Synchro ERP is really and truly a friend of the global metalcaster and more and more are turning to Synchro ERP for their metalcasting specific ERP software needs!  Synchro knows metalcasting!

I'll leave you with a few pictures of a recent R&R trip I took to Garner State Park here in Texas - just outside of San Antonio in the beautiful hill country.    Just ask Simon, I don't know how to travel light!

Until next time, see you on down the road!

Shane Allen
Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations