If you want to talk metalcasting and how the Synchro ERP software solution can streamline your operations, reduce your CODB (cost of doing business), improve your CF0 (cash flow zero), improve your TVM (time value of money), enable you to schedule more efficiently (including scheduling by metal grade), and improve your quality - We're all ears at Synchro ERP!
Give the top-shelf Synchro ERP team a call at 800-323-2808 xt. 1 or email us at sales@synchroerp.com
Speaking of reducing your CODB, I received this recently. Who knows how much it cost to process, print, and postal mail this. Not to mention the cost of the bank and the Federal Reserve in processing it. Yep, I did deposit it as well. I didn't make a special trip to the bank mind you, a penny saved is a penny earned. Now they have to process the check reconciliation!
We're all ears - get in touch with us to discuss your needs. We listen to our customers and practice the great Stephen Covey-ism of "Seek First to Understand, Then to be Undersood". Habit 5 "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People".
Until Next Time, see you on down the road at the upcoming AFS Metalcasting Congress
For a list of all of Synchro ERP upcoming events, please see Synchro ERP Exhibitions
Shane Allen, Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations