The mess I am referring to is the global economic situation - high unemployment, little GDP growth, etc. It all comes down to simple economics. I promise and swear - I'm not about to get into any political thoughts, theories, or discourses.
We have got to get people back to work and how we get people back to work is for the private sector to spend money. Going with a product like Synchro ERP, which is extremely affordable in the first place, has all kinds of down stream implications. As we welcome more customers, we hire more people to meet the increased demand and in-turn buy more products, attend more trade shows, and employees receive more income of which to dispose of. As companies hire more people, these people are obviously no longer unemployed and start having disposable income to spend. Their disposable income in turn creates new jobs for others. It's a really good vicious cycle towards economic recovery. If you are reading this BLOG, you know about Synchro ERP and if you don't already have it, then you probably are thinking that you are needing it. Your timing is right.
With that in-mind, Chris Collins, Synchro ERP Managing Director/CEO, and Barbara Nolan Collins, Synchro ERP Global Sales/Marketing Director, have come up with a method to the madness of helping the metalcasting industry move forward. It was announced at the recent ICI Investment Casting Institute expo/meeting that a 25% discount off of the standard daily implementation/training rate is being applied to all new customers who sign on the dotted line prior to the end of the year 2011! What makes this so enticing is that the discounted daily rate is valid for a full year from the date of the first implementation visit. Implementations must commence within six months of the contract signing date.
In keeping with the Synchro ERP commitment to straight forward and clear pricing, there is NO fine print. What a refreshing change!
Until next time, see you on down the road...
Shane Allen, Head of Synchro ERP North American Operations